We are glad you are interested in community gardening with us.
In a nut shell, you will be renting a garden plot for a year.
You pay the annual rental fee and provide the work (in your own plot plus 2 hours of volunteerism/year to maintain the garden as a whole); we provide the space, tilling, water and most tools needed for working the soil. Every new gardener will need to have an onsite garden orientation, we have found this is the best shot at successfully understanding the rules of the garden site as rules are best shown. Listed below are links and documents needed to share information about the garden and gardener needs for a garden plot. The documents below are best suited for viewing on a computer, a mobile device will be clunky but you can try.
Everybody Start Here:
Please fill out this google form if you are a new gardener for the upcoming growing season, cut and paste the link:
https://forms.gle/QF6s7CyQaDvcLser8 if you are a returning gardener, skip this step.
If you are a new gardener, STOP do not fill out any additional steps below, until we contact you with the acknowledgement that you will be able to garden with us.
If you are a returning gardener, CONTINUE on to fill out the additional steps below:
Please read through these guidelines, our agreement that our nonprofit organization will have with you for the gardening season. All gardeners will need to complete this annually. We will ask for a signed copy of this form from you, along with your payment before you start gardening. Click on google link below, both contain the same info:
2. Volunteer ideas for expected involvement within the garden TCG VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 2024
Products listed below are generally approved for use at the garden. We try and limit harsh exposures for life and earth with the items we have chosen.